Excerpts of Life
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Excerpts of Life


作者: Giuseppe Eric Bartoli
页数: 204
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413700183







Excerpts of Life was written from my transitory period in Lima, Peru, while I waited to decide what university to attend. Even though commenced in Milano (Italy), the majority of the work was produced in Lima. Imagery, personification, history, philosophy, matters of the heart, and obscure ways to view common life form part of what can be found within the following pages. Starting with aSinners Psalm, a around the corner to the thrilling account aLaecrivain de Grenelle, a whispering aWords, a and ending in aCobble and Stone, a the journey continues throughout the book. A unique view is expressed in aShifting Air Society, a written on an envelop from Milano to Lima, and finished from Lima to Paris. Fictional characters are used in aMy Wordily War, a aThe Questionable Answer, a aThe 9 OaClock Mistress to Adore, a and aThe Bar of Loving Yore.a A bizarre account found within the aMirror of Lovea offers the reader another perspective. Finally, poems like aTraveling Mana and aTides of Plutoa give imagery by utilizi various points of view. This poetry not only expounds on my feelings, but at the same time it depicts moments in my life that simple conversation could not describe.

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