Ozzy Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne
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Ozzy Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne


作者: Linda Saucerman
页数: 48
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9781404202627







More than just standard biographies, these informative, fun, and fact-filled books focus on behind-the-scenes insight into the struggles and joys of being part of a famous family. How do these children and siblings of celebrities make their own way in the wake of the difficult tasks of growing up, honing one's talents, and forging their own path to fame and independence? Is the love, support, shared passion, and drive common in these families the inspiration to success? These wonderfully illustrated, easyto-read titles illustrate how essential a loving and supportive family is in nurturing a young person's ability to follow his or her dreams. Each title is easily accessible for high/low readers. Here's an insider's look into the life and times of two members of this infamous clan. The Osbourne family captivated America with its loony antics and crazy family relationships. No matter how nutty their antics, the love and devotion the family shares is quite obvious. This fun book offers an intimate glimpse into the lives of father and daughter, tracing Ozzy's rocky climb to rock superstardom, through his days with Black Sabbath, to his roller-coaster solo career.

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