The Empire of the Mother Over the Character and Destiny of the Race
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The Empire of the Mother Over the Character and Destiny of the Race


作者: Henry Clarke Wright
出版年: 2009-11
页数: 136
定价: $ 28.24
ISBN: 9781116930498







Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III. OUR SAVIOUR IS BORN WITH US. In all my efforts to perfect the typo of manhood and womanhood, to expel disease from the human organism and make it more healthy and happy in all its functions, I view man solely from the stand-point of human agency; of Self- Eedemption. I assume that man can and must " work out his own salvation," or he never will be saved. I regard his organic existence, his pre-natal and post-natal development, and his character and destiny, as they are controlled and modified by the power and influence of men and women. The living human organism is before me. I see it and recognize its existence and presence in myself, and in all my fellow-beings around me. That organism is made up of different elements. Of all species of mechanism, natural or artificial, divine or human, this seems the most delicate, most complicated, the most simple, yet most mysterious and wonderful; and that with which I have most to do; and with which my life and destiny are most intimately associated. Its beauty, its strength, its health, its endurance, and the symmetry, harmony and perfection of all its parts and operations, can never with impunity be undervalued, nor in any way neglected; for on these are based the life, the glory and destiny of the human race. Every thing relating to the history of that organism, relates to me. Its history is my history, its existence, growth, diseases and sufferings are mine. Allthat adorns and ennobles it adorns and ennobles me; all that deforms and degrades it deforms and degrades me. Whatever is done to man is done to me. He that enslaves any human being, however poor and despised, enslaves me, and I shall ever regard and treat him, in the same way in which I should, were I the victim of his injustice and inhumanity. By hum...

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