Logic Part I
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Logic Part I


作者: W·E·Johnson
出版年: 2009-11
页数: 298
定价: $ 39.54
ISBN: 9781116786750







LOGIC PART I BY W. E. JOJ StTN, M. A. FELLOW OF KINGS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, SIDGWICK LECTURER IN MORAL SCIENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. TTANTA P e 61 MH TO CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1921 PREFACE r I HE present work is intended to cover the whole - L field of Logic as ordinarily understood. It includes an outline of elementary Formal Logic, which should be read in close connection with Dr Keyness classical work, in which the last word has been said on most of the fundamental problems of the subject. As regards Material Logic, I have taken Mills VA System of Logic 1ftj V as the first basis 01 discussion, which however is subjected to important criticisms mostly on the lines of the so-callecl conceptualist logicians. I have to express my great obligations to my former pupil, Miss Naomi Bentwich, without whose encourage ment and valuable assistance in the composition and arrangement of the work, it would not have been pro duced in its present form. W. E. j. March 30, 1921, CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE i. Definition of Logic. Grounds for including the theory of induction . xiii 2. Thinking includes perceptual judgments ...... xvii 3. All ulterior motives of the pursuit of truth irrelevant to the analysis and criticism of thought .......... xvii 4. Relation of Logic to the Art of Thinking xix 5. Logic, Aesthetics and Ethics as the three normative studies . . xx 6. Relation of Logic to Universal Grammar xxi 7. Logic and Mathematics. Methodology. Pure and Applied Mathematics xxii 8. Historical sketch of the problems connecting Logic with Philosophy and with Psychology. Realism, Conceptualism and Nominalism. Material istic and Empirical Logic ......... xxvii 9. Special features of theauthors treatment of Logic . . . xxxiii CHAPTER I THE PROPOSITION i. Sentence, assertion and proposition ....... i 2. Assertion as conscious belief ........ 4 3. Necessity for recognising the mental attitude in logic .... 6 4. Relation between grammatical and logical analysis .... 8 5. Connected functioning of substantive and adjective in the proposition . 9 6. Criticism of the view that the essential nature of the proposition is a statement of identity . ........ 13 7. The proposition regarded as characterising the fact, and its analogies with the adjective 14 CHAPTER II THE PRIMITIVE PROPOSITION i. Account of the psychologically primitive form of assertion exclamatory or impersonal 18 2. The need of separate presentment for the most elementary forms of judgment 10 3. Criticism of Mr Bradleys dictum distinction implies difference . . 12 4. Illustrations of less primitive forms of assertion 23 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER III COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS PAGE i. Definition of compound and simple as applied to propositions . . 26 2. Distinction between the different forms of compound propositions the logical conjunctions distinction between the enumerative and conjunctive and 27 3. The first law of thought called The Law of Double Negation . . 29 4. The laws of conjunctive propositions ....... 29 5. Tbe four forms of composite proposition and their immediate implications 30 6. Complementary and supplementary propositions and their rules . . 35 7. Criticism of the paradoxical forms of the composite, and preliminaiy explanation of the solution of the paradox ...... 38 8. The bearing of the distinction between hypothesis and assertion upon the paradox ........... 44 9. Interpretation of compoundpropositions as expressing possible conjunc tives and necessary composites. Table of all the possible relations of one proposition to another ......... 47 CHAPTER IV SECONDARY PROPOSITIONS AND MODALITY i. Definition of primary and secondary propositions and of pre-propositional adjectives ............ 50 2. Modal adjectives as a species of pre-propositional. The adjectives true and false in this connection . . . . . . . 51 3. The opposition of modal adjectives ....... 53 4. Antithesis between certified and uncertified 55 5...

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