Manual of Psychiatry
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Manual of Psychiatry


作者: Aaron J·Rosanoff
出版年: 2009-11
页数: 704
定价: $ 59.88
ISBN: 9781116693690







MANUAL OF PSYCHIATRY EDITED BY AARON J. JROSANOFF, M. D. Clinical Director, Kings Park State Hospital, N. Y. Lieutenant Colonel. Officers 9 Section, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army FIFTH EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED NEW YORK JOHN WILEY SONS, INC. LONDON CHAPMAN HALL, LIMITED 1920, 19O5, 19O8, 1911, 1916, 192O, BY A. J. ROSANOFF RAUNWORTH CO. OOK MANUrACTURKRfl BROOKLYN. N. V. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS J. ROGUES DE FURSAC, M. D., formerly Chief of Clinic at the Medical Faculty of Paris, Physician in Chief of the Public Insane Asylums of the Seine Department. Chapters or sections dealing with symptomatology, general therapeutic indications, epilepsy, dementia prsecox, paranoia, manic-depressive psychoses, involutional melancholia, acute and chronic alcoholism, drug addictions, genera 1 paralysis, deliria of infectious origin, psychoses of exhaustion, uraemic delirium, myxoedema and cretinism, and senile dementia. AARON J. ROSANOFF, M. D., Clinical Director, Kings Park State Hospital, N. Y., Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Section, Office Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. General editorial responsibility also chapters, sections, or appendices dealing with etiology, history taking, methods of examination, special diagnostic procedures, psychotherapy, psy choanalysis, prognosis, prevalence of mental disorders, pro phylaxis, medico-legal questions, extramural psychiatry, arrests of development, constitutional psychopathic states, psychoneu roses, Huntingtons chorea, cerebro-spinal syphilis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, traumatic psychoses, hyperthyroidism, organic cerebral affections, Wassermann reaction, association test. H. L. HOLLINGWORTH, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Columbia University.Chapters or appendices dealing with applications of psychology in psychiatry, normal course of mental development, and standard psychological group tests. Miss MART C. JARRETT, Associate Director, Smith College School for Social Work formerly Chief of Social Service, Boston Psychopathic Hospital. Chapter dealing with applications of sociology in psychiatry. CLARENCE A. NEYMANN, M. D., Superintendent, Cook County Psychopathic Hospital, Chicago. Appendix dealing with lumbar puncture, cell count, and chemical tests of cerebro-spinal fluid. iii PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION IN the course of the World War unprecedented oppor tunities enabled psychiatry to make great strides. The movement for mental hygiene is developing direction, organization, and force. Psychiatrists no longer confine their activities within the walls of institutions for the insane, but are constantly organizing connections with general hospitals, schools, charitable organizations, courts of law, penal institutions, etc. In the endeavor to keep this MANUAL abreast of progress and to maintain its usefulness to the student of psychiatry numerous changes and additions have been made in pre paring the present edition. New chapters, sections, or appendices, dealing with the following subjects, have been added applications of psychol ogy in psychiatry, psychoanalysis, applications of sociology in psychiatry, extramural psychiatry, psychoneuroses, hyperthyroidism, normal course of early mental development, Stanford revision of the Binet-Simon intelligence scale, Kent-Rosanoff association test, standard psychological group tests, and the classification of mental diseases adopted by the American Medico-Psychological Association. Thechapters, sections, or appendices, dealing with the following subjects, have been extensively rewritten arrests of development, epilepsy, constitutional psychopathic states, chronic alcoholism, cerebro-spinal syphilis, lumbar puncture, and tests of the cerebro-spinal fluid. The remaining chapters have also undergone careful revision with resulting numerous minor changes and addi tions. vi PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION The Index has been greatly amplified and, it is believed, rendered more serviceable...

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