THE Positive Outcome of Philosophy
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THE Positive Outcome of Philosophy


作者: Joseph Dietzen
出版年: 2009-9
页数: 446
定价: $ 46.32
ISBN: 9781113871824







THE POSITIVE OUTCOME OF PHILOSOPHY The Nature of Human Brain Work Letters on Logic. The Positive Outcome of Philosophy BY JOSEPH DIETZGEN TRANSLATED BY ERNEST WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DR. ANTON PANNEKOEK TRANSLATED BY ERNEST UNTERMANN EDITED BT EUGBHB DIKTZGEN AND JOSEPH DiKTzaiK, JR. CHICAGO CHARLES H. KERR COMPANY THE POSITIVE OUTCOME OF PHILOSOPHY The Nature of Human Brain Work Letters on Logic. The Positive Outcome of Philosophy BY JOSEPH DIETZGEN TRANSLATED BY ERNEST UNTRRXANft WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DR. ANTON PANNEKOEK TRANSLATED BY ERNEST UNTERMANN EDITED UY EUGBMB DIETZGEN J. ND JOSEPH DIETZQXK, JB CHICAGO CHARLES H. KERR COMPANY CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION BY ANTON PANNEKOEK 7 THE i NATURE OF HUMAN BRAIN WORK Preface 41 I. Introduction 47 II. Pure Reason or the Faculty of Thought in General.... 61 III. The Nature of Things 80 IV. The Practice of Reason in Physical Science 104 a Cause and Effect 108 I Matter and Mind 110 Force and Matter 124 V. Practical Reason or Morality 133 a The Wise and Reasonable 133 1 Morality and Right 143 c The Holy 156 LETTERS ON LOGIC First Letter 177 Second Letter 181 Third Letter 186 Fourth Letter 191 Fifth Letter 198 Sixth Letter i 205 Seventh Letter 212 Eighth Letter 217 Ninth Letter 225 Tenth Letter 230 Eleventh Letter 236 Twelfth Letter 242 Thirteenth Letter 248 Fourteenth Letter 255 Fifteenth Letter 2CO Sixteenth Letter 265 Seventeenth Letter . 211 Eighteenth . Letter ., .., ......., 277 ri CONTENTS LETTERS ON LOGIC PAGE Nineteenth Letter 283 Twentieth Letter 289 Twenty-first Letter 296 Twenty-second Letter 301 Twenty-third Letter a 307 Twenty-third Letter b 312 Twenty-fourth Letter 3 IS THE POSITIVE OUTCOME OF PHILOSOPHY Preface 327 I. PositiveKnowledge as a Special Object 333 II. The Power of Perception Is Kin to the Universe 337 III. As to How the Intellect Is Limited and Unlimited.., . 342 IV. The Universality of Nature 348 V. The Understanding as a Part of the Human Soul 354 VI. Consciousness Is Endowed With the Faculty of Know ing as Well as With the Feeling of the Universality of All Nature, 3 VII. The Relationship or Identity of Spirit and Nature.... 3, 9 VIII. Understanding Is Material 37 1 IX. The Four Principles of Logic 381 X. The Function of Understanding oft the Religious Field 303 XL The Distinction Between Cause and Effect Is only One of the Means to Facilitate Understanding 401 XII. Mind and Matter Which Is Primary, Which Is Secondary, 401 XIII. The Extent to Which the Doubts of the Possibility of Clear and Accurate Understanding Have Been Overcome 4 18 XIV. Continuation of the Discussion on the Difference Between Doubtful and Evident Understanding 428 XV. Conclusion, , ., . 436 INTRODUCTION THE POSITION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF J. DIETZGENS PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS BY DR. ANTON PANNEKOEK In the history of philosophy we see before us the consecutive forms of the thoughts of the ruling classes of society on life and on the world at large. This class thought appears after the primitive communism has given way to a society with class antagonisms, at a stage when the wealth of the members of the ruling class gave them leisure time and thus stimulated them to turn their attention to the productions of the mind. The beginning of this thought is found in classic Greece. But it assumed its clearest and best developed form when the modern bourgeoisie had become the ruling class in capitalistic Europe and the thinkers gaveexpression to the ideas of this class. The characteristic mark df these ideas is dual ism, that is to say the misunderstood contrast between thinking and being, between nature and spirit, the result of the mental unclearness of this class and of its inca pacity to see the things of the world in their true inter connection...

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