Music in the Church
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Music in the Church


作者: Peter Christian Lutkin
出版年: 2009-6
页数: 288
定价: $ 35.02
ISBN: 9781110518135







TH EffiALE offighnQ fees. MUSIC IN THE CHURCH BY ETER CHRISTIAN LUTKIN, Mus. Doc. Dean of the School of Music Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. MILWAUKEE THE YOUNG CHURCHMAN COMPANY 1910 EXTRACTS FROM THE WILL OF THE HT. REV. CHARLES REUBEN HALE, D. D., LLJD., BISHOP COADJUTOR OF SPRING FIELD, born 1837 consecrated July 26, 1892 died December 25, 1900. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I, CHARLES REXJBEN HALE, BISHOP OF CAIRO, BISHOP COADJUTOR OF SPRINGFIELD, of the City of Cairo, Illinois, do make, publish, and declare this, as and for my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First. First of all, I commit myself, soul and body, into the hands of Jesus Christ, my . Lord and Saviour, in Whose Merits alone I trust, looking for the Resurrection of the Body and the Life of the World to come. Fourteenth. All the rest and residue of my Estate, personal and real, not in this my Will otherwise spe cifically devised, wheresoever situate, and whether legal or equitable, I give, devise, and bequeath to THE WEST ERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, above mentioned, but nevertheless In Trust, provided it shall accept the trust by an instrument in writing so stat ing, filed with thi Will in the Court where probated, within six months after the probate of this Will for the general purpose of promoting the Catholic Faith, in its purity and integrity, as taught in Holy Scrip ture, held by the Primitive Church, Bummed up in the vi EXTRACTS Creeds and affirmed by tile undisputed General Councils, and, in particular, to bo used only and exclusively for the purposes following, to-wit 2 The establishment, endowment, publication, and due circulation of Courses of Lectures, to be delivered annually forever, to be called The Hale Lectures. The Lectures shall treat of one of the following subjects a Liturgies and Liturgies. o Church Hymns and Church Music. c The History of the Eastern Churches. d The History of National Churches. e Contemporaneous Church History i. e., treat ing of events happening ninco the beginning of what is called The Oxford Movement, in 1833. It is the aim of the Seminary, through the ITulo ILectures, to make from time to time some valuable contributions to certain of tbo Churchs problems, without thereby committing itself to agreement with the utterances of its own selected Preachers. TO THE MEMORY OF SOMETIME CANON OF THE CATHEDBAL OF SS. PETEB AND PAUL OF THE DIOCESE OF CHICAGO, THESE PAGES ABE AFFECTIONATELY INSOBEBED. TABLK OF CONTENTS AUTHORS PREFACE xi I. HYMN TUNES 1 II. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 54 III. THE ORGAN 101 IV. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER . . . 148 V. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 184 VI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF Musio IN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 220 AUTHORS PREPACK BISHOP ANDERSON, when honoring the under signed with the appointment of Hale Lecturer for 1908-1909, expressed the wish that the lectures might be made as practical as possible. Every effort has been made to comply with this request, and as a consequence, technicalities and discussions which would only interest the professional musician havo been avoided. The general plan of tho lectures which are printed as delivered is two-fold in the first place to set before the interested reader, be he clergyman or layman, a concise history of the various subjects, in order that he may arrive at an intelligent com prehension of thesituation as a whole in the second place to give practical suggestions bearing upon conditions as they exist in the average church or parish of to-day. The writer is greatly indebted to the files of that invaluable journal for the Church musician, the New Music Review published by the H. W. Gray Co., New York, for much detailed information and many pertinent suggestions. Sinco these lectures wore put in type an histori cal edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern has ap peared...

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