An Introduction to the History of Science
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An Introduction to the History of Science


作者: Walter Libby
出版年: 2009-5
页数: 320
定价: $ 37.28
ISBN: 9781110229956







BY WALTER LIBBY, M. A., Ph. D. PBOFESSOB OF THE HISTOET OF SCIENCE IN THE CABNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO HOUGHTON MIFFLIN C03MPANY bt Jlitiet Oe pte Cambribge COPYRIGHT, 1917, BY WALTER LIBBY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CAMBRIDGE . MASSACHUSETTS U . S . A TO MY STUDENTS OF THE LAST TWELVE SHEARS IN THE CHICAGO AND PITTSBURGH DISTRICTS THIS BOOK IS INSCRIBED IN FURTHERANCE OF THE ENDEAVOR TO INCULCATE A DEMOCRATIC CULTURE, EVER MINDFUL OF THE DAILY TASK, NOT ALTOGETHER IGNORANT OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PAST PREFACE THE history of science has something to offer to the humblest intelligence. It is a means of impart ing a knowledge of scientific facts and principles to unschooled minds. At the same time it affords a simple method of school instruction. Those who understand a business or an institution best, as a contemporary writer on finance remarks, are those who have made it or grown up with it, and the next best thing is to know how it has grown up, and then watch or take part in its actual working. Generally speaking, we know best what we know in its origins. The history of science is an aid in scientific research. It places the student in the current of scientific thought, and gives him a clue to the purpose and necessity of the theories he is required to master. It presents science as the constant pursuit of truth rather than the formulation of truth long since re vealed it shows science as progressive rather than fixed, dynamic rather than static, a growth to which each may contribute. It does not paralyze the self activity of youth by the record of an infallible past. It is only by teaching the sciences in their histori cal development that the schools can betrue to the tfro principles of modern education, that the sciences should occupy the foremost place in the curriculum and that the individual mind in its evolution should rehearse the history of civilization. The history of science should be given a larger place than at present in general history for, as vi PREFACE Bacon said, the history o the world without a his tory of learning is like a statue of Polyphemus with the eye out. The history of science studies the past for the sake of the future. It is a story of continu ous progress. It is rich in biographical material. It shows the sciences in their interrelations, and saves the student from narrowness and premature special ization. It affords a unique approach to the study of philosophy. It gives new motive to the study of foreign languages. It gives an interest in the ap plications of knowledge, offers a clue to the complex civilization of the present, and renders the mind hos pitable to new discoveries and inventions. The history of science is hostile to the spirit of caste. It shows the sciences rising from daily needs and occupations, formulated by philosophy, enrich ing philosophy, giving rise to new industries, which react in turn upon the sciences. The history of sci ence reveals men of all grades of intelligence and of all social ranks cooperating in the cause of human progress. It is a basis of intellectual and social homo geneity Science is international, English, Germans, French, Italians, Russians all nations contributing to advance the general interests. Accordingly, a survey of the sciences tends to increase mutual respect, and to heighten the humanitarian sentiment. The history of science can be taught to people of allcreeds and colors, and cannot fail to enhance in the breast of every young man, or woman, faith in human progress and good-will to all mankind. This book is intended as a simple introduction, taking advantage of the interests of youth of from PREFACE vii seventeen to twenty-two years of age and their in tellectual compeers in order to direct their atten tion to the story of the development of the sciences. It makes no claim to be in any sense complete or comprehensive...

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