Sharon's Verses
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Sharon's Verses


作者: Sharon Maloney
页数: 60
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413783353







Sharon's Verses will make you aware of your life. By reading my poems you will learn to believe in yourself and your own abilities. God is explored on a spiritual and emotional level. You can learn what God is and what he can do for you in your struggles and hardships. Love is explored as a dream or realistic sensation, which can mean "grown as a flower" or it "fills up the deep blue sea." You can learn about love in my poems in a special way. Dreaming about love can be looked at in relationships. It can mean missing a girl or having a long-lost love. Love and friendship go hand in hand, like in my poem "Rich Friend." Friends are forever, and so is love when it is real. Nature is looked at in a beautiful fashion, such as blossoms, doves, or turtles' eggs. The beach is where someone wants to be reunited with their remembered love. Nature is a wonderful part of life, and the poem "Wonderful Things Should Last" expresses this beauty. My book will enrich your life as it does mine. Please read it and remember where you are going in this world. It can be sailing, church, or to a barbecue with friends. My poems will cover these topics and more. Enjoy

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