Lord of The Eagles' Destiny
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Lord of The Eagles' Destiny


作者: L·Westrick Lilah
出版年: 2006-2
页数: 308
定价: $ 33.84
ISBN: 9781413783186







THE ANGELS OF ADONAI MUST FULFILL THEIR MISSIONa FOR THE GODS OF THE EARTH ARE AGAINST THE DESTINIES OF THE PROPHETS OF ADONAI AND AGAINST THE FULFILLMENT OF THE DESTINY OF YESHUA aSarah, donat go, a Celia whispered. Her body filled with a rush of pain as if someone or something had just shot through her body. She felt Sarah slipping away. She saw her still body slumped against the rusty, Spanish-tiled wall. Celia could not tell whether she was still in her own body or out; nevertheless, she crawled across the cold tiled floor to Sarah and scooted underneath Sarahas bleeding arm. Celia looked up, noting the luminous eyes of the creature that loomed above her and Sarah. He panicked when he saw Celia and realized that she saw him. He reached down with a growl, lying on top of Celia so that she could not breathea she could not move. It seemed that now Sarahas life force had somehow become connected to Sarahas. Sarah breathed as Celia breathed. When suicide pressed his scaly form against Celia, it caused her breathing to ceaseait caused Sarahas breathing to cease. She had to breathea she had to speak. She had to do it for Sarah, but she couldnat move. She was suffocating.

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