Love Is My Star
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Love Is My Star


作者: Christopher Hank Bohannon
页数: 220
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781413771428







This book is a collection of two hundred love poems. Some of the ideas within this book are love at first sight and the power of love. This book is for anyone who believes in the power of love, and for those who are looking for their true love; those who have found their true love, or for those who have vowed to never give up on love; to those who are willing to take the stand and testify to the whole world about the power of love, and to those who believe in love at first sight, this book is tailor-made for you. And to those who have wished upon every star about loveathis book is also for you. After all, what is more fascinating than the subject of true love? If there is one word in the English language that can best describe Christopher Hank Bohannon, it is the word, apoet.a Being a poet, that is his legacy in this life, and that is how he wants to be remembered after he has left this world. At the age of 15, he started down the journey of his calling in life. He writes love poems because he claims that love is the finest thing in life. Christopher Hank Bohannon has claimed many times that the only time when he is his happiest is when he is writing poems. He has composed this literary work simply to immortalize loveaand immortalize those who believe in love. Therefore it is his deepest wish that these poems will help you find your love of a lifetime.

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