Whispers from Heaven
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Whispers from Heaven


作者: Mildred Lucille Fraser
出版年: 2007-6
页数: 158
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781413763294







What a wonderful God we have that He is mindful of our thoughts and desires. And when we worship Him, He blesses our lives with His Holy Spirit. He inhabits our praise, and when we worship Him He draws so near that He whispers in our ears. Through praise and worship I have experienced just that, God whispering in my ears inspiring me with the most beautiful lyrics of His love and truth. Whispers from Heaven is a compilation of inspirational poetry and writings from the pages of my life. As I look back over the pages, it is so evident of times that God carried me, embraced me, walked beside me and covered me with His precious grace and mercy. Father God, Iam am so grateful that you chose my life as an inspiration to show others your amazing grace. It is an honor to serve you with the gift of poetry you have given me. And when I hear your Whispers from Heaven about my life, my heart sings in jubilation to tell the world of your perfect love through my gift.

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