Depression Thrives Inside the Tortured Teenage Mind
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Depression Thrives Inside the Tortured Teenage Mind


作者: Mike T
页数: 104
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413723427







Let me bring you this brief synopsis. I want to be careful so I don't drop too much information. I will try to remain non-obnoxious, but sometimes I get a little touchy and toxic, but it's not directed toward you, my audience. I have nothing but appreciation for you taking the time to read my thoughts and stories. I hope they benefit you or help you through a difficult situation. I always felt that if this book could reach just one crook, or someone who feels trumped like the king does to the rook, that my efforts are worth it and possibly these horrors have meaning. My self-esteem has taken quite a beating, but I guess it is life's way of teaching humility and reasoning. I touch on religion, introspection, my mental health, problems that my family has faced, the friends that I miss, and the ones who hurt me. The life that I've led and the wandering thoughts that follow behind me keep my mind moving and thinking. But enough from me. Sit back and form your own opinion of this story. Just keep an open mind and a bottle of scotch, bourbon, or brandy within an arm's reach.

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