Project Day Lily
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Project Day Lily


作者: Garth & Nicolson Nicolson Nancy
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 572
定价: $ 41.80
ISBN: 9781413485196







The "Project Day Lily" story chronicles the events surrounding what the public knows as "Gulf War Syndrome." To this day, the public perception of that tragedy is very limited, but now there are over 150,000 veterans of that conflict that suffer from chronic illnesses and tens of thousands have died without acknowledgment or proper assistance to keep secret the origin of their illnesses. "Project Day Lily" tells the story of the discovery that men and women of our Armed Forces were actually exposed to chemical and biological mixtures from missiles and sprayers during the Gulf War that were supplied, in part, by a sinister network using a group of rogue bureaucrats, intelligence operatives and scientists. They were also exposed to contaminants in the multiple vaccines given during deployment. Project Day Lily presents the story of how one of these biological agents was found by two American scientists in veterans of the Gulf War and in civilians as part of a massive testing program and how various academic and governmental employees did everything in their power to prevent this information from being released to the American public.

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