Innocent Victims
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Innocent Victims


作者: Regina Littles
出版年: 2009-6
页数: 138
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9780615301730







During my credit battle, I read tons of books about credit. Most of the information that I read, lead me to do more research. So I thought, "why are authors leaving out this helpful information." What's the secret to credit? Innocent Victims takes you on a journey where you become more aware about your surrounding as to what's really happening in credit world. Millions of people are working for nothing and sometimes when the realize it, it's too late. We hear all the time, the key to financial wealth is homeownership, but the key is understanding CREDIT. Without credit, consumers will find themselves up side down, due to high interest loans. Through my writing, I want to educate and inform readers about the dangers of becoming an Innocent Victim. I hope Innocent Victims touches the lives of millions of consumers. Innocent Victims was written to expose the truth behind the greed of the lending industry and how they tend to prey on uninformed consumers. My goal is to reveal the deception behind poor lending practices that often result in an overwhelming amount of debt and financial slavery for the borrower. The lack of financial education couldn't be more evident than now where foreclosed homes are at an all time high and consumers filing for bankruptcy have superseded any record ever, in our Country's history The election of 2008 has been noted as one of America's greatest historic events, and it is with great joy that I stand as an advocate with our Presidents call to action for each one of us to do our part in the process. If you have had a challenging encounter with your credit so far and wish to totally reposition yourself, then Innocent Victims will position you to never become the victim again

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