Honey and Vinegar and a Little Something in Between
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Honey and Vinegar and a Little Something in Between


作者: janis nicole townsend
出版年: 2008-11
页数: 140
定价: $ 15.81
ISBN: 9780615261157







Poetry book on love, loss, pain, optimism, and everything in between. This book is a piece of me, a glimpse into my heart, my mind. It is a skim thru my diary, if you may. I am giving you more than I've given those who have been next to me in bed. The truth. Unadulterated...Unapologetic. And that is the true accomplishment I feel in my work. That's what I would hope people grasp...The way I've pushed my heart out for all to see. Thank you for taking the time to join me in my journey. The 20's are hell, right? Nah, I can't say it was all hell. I must say, I enjoyed many of these moments. Even the pain--to be honest...I do love to revel in self-pity sometimes. I think, in some ways, pain defined me, gave me a purpose and meaning. But, now I am in a new place with new worries and new joys, feel free to take the journey with me...

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