From the author that wrote, "5150 - The One Who Flew Into the Cuckoo's Nest." I was treated so badly that I wondered what nursing staff was learning in school. I read everything the local college had to offer on psychiatric nursing, and I thought, "They sure didn't treat me this way." I decided to dive into a higher level of learning and studied books from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and from Aaronson Publishing. This book is a compilation of my essays over the years and was created from therapeutic models that resonate with actual experience. Also, for individuals that want to learn about developmental psychology to understand human behavior. Much of my writings were extracted from the work of Glenn O. Gabbard, Margaret Mahler and Sam Vaknin. Building a therapeutic alliance is imperative to get treatment compliance. This book looks not only at etiology and symptoms in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), but also treatment modalities.