Angus and the Hidden Fort
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Angus and the Hidden Fort


作者: Steven A Corirossi
出版年: 2003-4
页数: 164
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9780595774425







The chase was on The dark-haired young man ran fast and furious through the dense forest, leaping over rocks and bushes, and ripping through branches and leaves. In the gloomy shadows of the trees, he frantically searched for a place to hide. Behind him, two bare-chested Indians were gaining ground. Suddenly, the young man tripped on a rock near the edge of a steep cliff, and down he went--his life in more danger than before. Did the young man survive his treacherous fall? Who is he and what is he doing in the forest?For nine-year-old Angus McBride and his best friend, Andrew Sills, the one hundred and fifty year-old mystery is about to be uncovered. While exploring in their favorite place, Black Hawk Park, the boys unearth something mysterious, something very special from a long time ago. Could their discovery lead them to the identity of the mystery man? As fate would have it, their adventure begins with a horrific fall down a hillside...inspiring a journey of curiosity, disaster and secrets that haunt the Great Forest of Life.

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