Four Steps from the Sycamore
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Four Steps from the Sycamore


作者: Bob Rentschler
出版年: 2003-10
页数: 296
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9780595759262







Jacob Boden is a fifty-three-year-old recovering alcoholic, at odds with himself, his family and God. In an effort to overcome his loneliness and isolation, Jacob begins a fearless moral inventory of his past. Along the way, he shares his "love-at-first sight" encounter with Meg Roberts and the bittersweet relationship that ensues and becomes an obsession; recounts misadventures and scrapes with the law as he tries to adapt to family moves, new environments and changing societal values; describes the terror of fighting in the rice paddies of Vietnam; recalls experiences with drugs and alcohol on the back alleys of Saigon and streets of Washington D.C.; and reveals what it was like to rejoin society while suffering from alcoholism. Interwoven with dreams and reappearing alter-egos who help Jacob find his road in life, "Four Steps from the Sycamore" is the intense struggle of a man searching for meaning. Its open and honest appraisal of this journey provides each of us with permission to look into the darkest sides of our nature and find the demons that block the pathway to the soul.

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