"YOUNG CHILDREN" have hundreds of tales to tell, most of them humorous, with a special blend of love and emotion. I tried to share some of my favorites from these formative years. "THE TEENAGERS" are so much more secretive in their storytelling. My parents hadn't a clue as to what was going on in my mind during the mid-1940's. Read about how we all share in the triumphs and the disappointments of our teen years. "LOVE, MARRIAGE and CHILDREN" go hand in hand, along with trying to build a home, literally, for your family. Raising children is a wonderful experience. This portion of the book contains more humor than I anticipated. Most of us can relate to these sentimental anecdotes. "OLD AGE" brings with it a multitude of problems, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It also brings grandchildren, who light up my life and make each day a joy. I have attempted to write about all the inspiration they have bestowed upon this humble writer. "JOIN ME" as we go through many of these precious golden moments.