Overview in Blue
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Overview in Blue


作者: josfernd
出版年: 2003-9
页数: 112
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9780595749898







There are two chairs by the ocean. One chair, in front of a mirror, is facing west. The one sitting on that chair can look at the sunset and take pictures. The other chair, in front of a window, is facing east. The one sitting on that chair can look at the dawn and take pictures. Looking at the pictures that had been taken from those chairs one can notice that two of them look identical. These pictures show the moment when the sun and the ocean are barely touching each other. One picture shows the sun just about to sink into the ocean; in contrast, the other picture shows the sun rising from the ocean to illuminate a new day. The two moments seem like one and the same moment, and the two of them display a corresponding splendor. However, as great and intense as both moments are, they tell the story of their own misfortune. They have the melancholic sadness of knowing that as much as they both look like a perfect match, they will never be able to reach each other. One is the quiet diving of good-bye and the other is the passionate emerging of a beautiful good morning.

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