Spirit Sail
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Spirit Sail


作者: Nelson Price
出版年: 2008-1
页数: 136
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9780595708956







When Nelson Price fell in love with a sailboat, he did not expect to be launched into a spiritual journey of discovery. But he soon recognized that sailing offers more than an opportunity to enjoy the open water. For him, it's refreshment of body and spirit. In this personal memoir, Price shares how you can realize a spiritual dimension in your experiences, whatever they may be. In "Spirit Sail," you will discover: UL LIHow the awe of a sunset with spectacular colors on every horizon feels like God touching your life. LIHow the solitude of a starlit night can put you in touch with the gifts in your life. LIHow simple hospitality can deepen relationships. LI How grief turns to celebration as a friend's ashes move away from the boat and into the deep sea./UL "Spirit Sail"is not about the feats of an around-the-world racer, but rather about the experiences of the day-sailor and coastal cruiser whose love of sailing has fed his soul. It is for all who love the out-of-doors whether in boats, on hikes, or on the bike trail. It will quicken your senses to the spiritual nourishment that is available to anyone who takes the time to see and experience it.

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