Spoon Creek Mystery
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Spoon Creek Mystery


作者: Meredith Ironside
出版年: 2009-5
页数: 244
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595534906







Twelve-year-old Abigail Smiley is grounded for two weeks-all because she sold her aunt's old book for thirty dollars and the key to an old mansion in the forest. When Drew Miller, her one and only crush, offers a rusty old key to the Nightingale house in exchange for her aunt's book, Abigail is immediately suspicious. Everyone in the small town of Spoon Creek already knows the story. Two days before she died, Miss Nightingale removed nine rare antique silver dollars from her bank deposit box. No one has seen them since. When Drew tells Abigail about the five thousand dollar finder's fee, Abigail is suddenly fascinated. A big cash reward could save her aunt from bankruptcy. Officially ungrounded on Halloween night, Abby is faced with a dilemma. Should she sneak out and use the key to try to earn the reward money or should she obey her aunt's orders to stay home? What Abby doesn't know is that the key she keeps in a dish on her dresser may not only lead her to a potential reward, but also to more trouble than she ever could have imagined.

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