Event Field
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Event Field


作者: Elaine Morrison
出版年: 2009-4
页数: 336
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9780595531554







A young state of Israel reborn in war hosts many a secret...among them the events surrounding one intellectual family unwittingly muddied in operations of the country's own security service. Zmam relays the intensity of Israeli existence through a dense and relentless mystery thriller overtoned with expressions of contemporary history and culture. It was the author's intent as witness to fact during the nineties to convey by means fiction a moody brew of the real and contrived, especially those realms where the two happen to be same. The Draft portrays disparate experiences of two nationals and a Canadian tourist, adventurous girls facing adulthood with humour and courage in a modern militarized Israeli society, comprising book 2 of the series and following in the Zmam drama. It is a delving psychological probe into the question of identity and perspective and the ability to transcend beyond our long-held concepts of such. In the breathtaking stillness of Canada's west a multinational array of armed forces converge undercover on intelligence maneuvers. Counterpoint constitutes book 3 of the "Event Field" trilogy following Zmam and The Draft. A witty dialogue amongst diverse characters marks their spiritual progression as opposing elements square off in final confrontation.

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