Making Lemonade
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Making Lemonade


作者: Angela Dawnell Chase
出版年: 2008-10
页数: 108
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9780595520039







I lay in bed at 90 pounds waiting for death. My husband was leaving me. My life was over. As a stressor, divorce ranks only behind spousal death. With the divorce rate hovering near 40 percent, chances are you or someone you know will experience this devastating event. It's a wrenching process of separating from someone you've loved and reinventing a whole new you. Angela Chase is here to show you theres hope. The upheaval of her divorce left her feeling broken, bitter, lonely, and unlovable. She struggled with where to live, how to find a job, and how to support herself. None of it was easy. But Angela survived and thrived, and so can you. Through her personal testimony, Angela will help you regain your self-worth and life after divorce. In this emotional memoir, she walks you along the path she followed from despondency to recovery. With God at her side, Angela learned that her life wasn't over when her ex-husband left. In fact, she found more meaningful relationships with others and God. Through Angela's eyes, you can see that you are not a victimyou can let go and create a better future.

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