Turning Turnover Around
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Turning Turnover Around


作者: Mark Vonrhein
出版年: 2009-2
页数: 76
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9780595508747







The costs of employee turnover can be staggering. Not only do they include fully-loaded payroll costs of a vacant position, but they can also rack up overtime and consume managers' time to recruit and train new hires. Add in lost productivity, and you have a major problem. Reducing employee turnover will clearly improve how your business functions and performs financially. In Turning Turnover Around, Mark Vonrhein synthesizes years of experience working with hundreds of entry-level employees. Vonrhein has successfully used a five-point plan-the Performance Compensation Program-to increase productivity, keep employees happy, and increase profitability. The Plan is straightforward. Start entry-level employees below industry average salaries, then clearly define performance goals and post performance results daily. Then, give feedback on a regular basis, and reward your high-performers with incremental, and typically more frequent, pay raises. To supplement his program, Vonrhein provides wage models that help you match an employee's pay level to his or her performance. He also shares a wealth of information on the program's impact, which ranges from more engaged and productive workers, to a healthier bottom line. Combine Vonrhein's program with his "management tune-up" tips and you'll soon see turnover turning around.

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