Now, Launch Your Career
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Now, Launch Your Career


作者: Paul Carpino
出版年: 2008-3
页数: 120
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595483372







Now, Discover the Success Secrets of the World's Top Professionals Are you lost and looking for the right career or trying for that "lucky break"? Now, you can gain invaluable advice from top professionals such as, Donald Trump, Mario Batali, Dr. Patch Adams, Richard Simmons, John C. Bogle, Rex Reed, Jim Davis, Jeff Foxworthy, Danny Gans, William Claxton, Peter Bart, Dr. Robert Ballard, Cirque du Soleil CEO Daniel Lamarre and many more. Let the successful contributors in "Now, Launch Your Career" help guide you to rewarding, interesting and fulfilling careers. Based on the survey techniques developed by Paul Carpino, M.A., career counselor to thousands of college students, "Now, Launch Your Career" offers personal insight in how to choose and embark on the road to career satisfaction. Now, you'll learn: What the world's top professionals like, enjoy, value and love about their job/career. What the world's top professionals dislike, resent or like least about their job/career. How the world's top professionals decided on, found or launched their job/career. Few achievements can give you the same satisfaction as a rewarding, successful, interesting and fulfilling career. With the personal advice letters in "Now, Launch Your Career" you can attain one of your greatest goals.

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