True Season of Love
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True Season of Love


作者: Urenna Sander
出版年: 2009-4
页数: 440
定价: $ 27.06
ISBN: 9780595480234







It's a ground rule that guests never remove their masks at Lelouche's masquerade and charity ball in London. There's an aura of mystery and excitement when two beautiful African-American sisters living in Paris are purchased by the highest bidder-all in the name of charity. When they are invited to a private suite to dine, Connie and Olivia Moreno discover the highest bidder has brought a friend. And so begins a night of being wooed by masked strangers. Often described by others as fire and ice, the sisters forge relationships with the men they meet that night. Quiet and reserved, twenty-four-year-old Olivia, a medical journal editor, falls for Ptolemy Verenis, a dynamic and gregarious Greek maverick living in Paris. Even though Olivia and Ptolemy hail from different cultural backgrounds, they bond because of trauma experienced in the past. But these secrets from their past threaten to destroy their relationship. As Olivia and Ptolemy struggle with their secrets, envy, insecurities, and interference by family members, they wonder if they will ever find love and acceptance and be able to build a life together in "True Seasons of Love."

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