Realities Far Away from the Happy World
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Realities Far Away from the Happy World


作者: Sonia Elizabeth Aguilar
出版年: 2007-12
页数: 152
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595471621







This book began as a High School assignment. Brisa embarked on an adventure that brought awareness to realities that confronted her community. Brisa continued to investigate different aspects of society that affected character development in children, young adults, and elderly of El Salvador. Poverty is a significant factor and many families are affected. This story is about a family that was victimized by the trust they had in a former soldier of El Salvador's Armed Forces. The book reflects upon the plight of immigrants who know that they must abandon their country to pursue a better future. This book addresses the sufferings, happiness, sadness, and injustices that occur in everyday life. Brisa's work causes her to ponder a deep need to assist the children, young adults, and elderly of El Salvador. Due to the weight of her investigations, she has experienced a series of recurrent dreams that address poverty and other factors that affect character development in children. Brisa decides to seek a solution that will eradicate both the anxiety that stems from these dreams and the actual sources of hardship that afflict children, young adults, and the elderly from very poor families.

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