Claude Henry, the Iditarod Mouse
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Claude Henry, the Iditarod Mouse


作者: Driftin' AaronG
出版年: 2007-7
页数: 108
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595449903







Claude Henry is led to near peril many times and is forced to challenge the evil King Rat to the Alaska Iditarod Dog Sled Race. His adventures are never ending, and are filled with courage and pride. A simple but humble Mountain Mouse, Claude Henry invites you to join him as he explores the great Alaskan Frontier and leads a trail of many adventures. The evil King Rat vows to mousenap Claude Henry's true love-Little Sue-and the only way Claude Henry can save her is to beat the terrible rodent in the Iditarod Dog Sled Race But Claude Henry's never been to Alaska, much less fought in its dangerous blizzards. But with his faithful companions-Treetop, Rambo and Rowdy-by his side, Claude Henry is determined to risk life and limb to capture the heart of Little Sue. Across the beautiful and vast Alaska Tundra Claude Henry's Adventure is driven. Along the dangerous Iditarod Trail through blizzards and freezing temperatures this adventure travels from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. Claude Henry struggles for the freedom and rights of the Mouse World and earns his name; "Claude Henry, the Iditarod Mouse"

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