You'll Do Anything
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You'll Do Anything


作者: Michael Ruscoe
出版年: 2007-6
页数: 384
定价: $ 24.80
ISBN: 9780595449651







Mark Flynn may be the toughest secret agent in the business. Provided, of course, that he actually is a secret agent. "As a 'Stray Cat, '" Flynn tells the reader, "I'm one of the most covert agents working for the U.S. government. If I'm captured or killed, no government official would ever acknowledge my actions. And even if they did, whose actions are easier to disavow than those of someone with my history of mental illness?" In "You'll Do Anything," Flynn takes on a mission that forces him to redefine his fragile sense of reality and how he fits into it. A clandestine meeting between three local teenage hoodlooms and a pair of foreign operatives plunges Flynn neck-deep into a nefarious plot hatched by the outlandish doughnut baron General Horatio Monteford. Meanwhile, Flynn is caught up in a whirlwind romance with the beguiling Darlene Summers, who unknowingly lives at the edge of Monteford's evil plans. Flynn's bizzare mission and his complex personal life become hopelessly entangled, and as he unravels Monteford's scheme, the Stray Cat embarks on a journey that will change his life. So-is he, or isn't he? You'll Do Anything to find out

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