Mortal Bounds
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Mortal Bounds


作者: P·D·Fraley
出版年: 2008-1
页数: 436
定价: $ 27.06
ISBN: 9780595449361







Dublin has set a rule for the Breed to live by, which they must obey to survive. For what man fears, he will try to destroy and so the Breed must live within mortal bounds. Alex is a man with a past. In the sixth century court of King Arthur, he is Allexus, a prince and a knight whose unorthodox style of fighting- relying on the strength of the mind as much as of the body-draws scorn from some and curiosity from Arthur. As a boy, Allexus is told by a wizard that one day he will be a force to be reckoned with. The test of that prophecy leaps to modern-day Houston, where Alex confronts a very different world and a new band of adversaries. Join Alex and Linda Kay in a love story that will tear at the heart, a tale of warriors and soldiers and of the effort to create the ultimate fighter. Go back in time to see what demolished an allegiance between two men. Learn what to live as the Breed and then ask yourself, "Could I take the blood of another to survive?" Take a close look at the everyday people you see-they could be the Breed.

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