Yeshua, My Love
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Yeshua, My Love


作者: Don Okolo
出版年: 2007-5
页数: 340
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9780595449125







A blissful tale of Divine Love, honor and reverence . a spiritual journey like no other. Mary of Magdala tells of her personal relationship with Yeshua, from the time they were both twelve years old, up until Yeshua's ministry began. Her story begins in Magdala, ending two decades later in the town of Bethany. She recalls vividly, the wondrous events, the trips to the outer fringes of Heaven, and the candid visitations past the boundaries of surrealism. At seventeen, Mary is smitten, and her father, who despises Yeshua, wants him out of her life. Mary ignores her father, and presses on . terribly missing the point. She is heart-broken and will wallow in self-pity, angry with herself for not trying hard enough. This is when the romance of her soul begins; the subsequent trips are unique and super-extraordinary. But Mary's heart will cloud the gifts; she is lacking in cleanliness of spirit to comprehend the searing and beatific images of God before her. She will never know the true nature of the boy she had fallen in love with, until that awesome day in the desert night . eighteen years later.

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