Frosted August
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Frosted August


作者: C·Sabina
出版年: 2007-8
页数: 128
定价: $ 12.37
ISBN: 9780595446360







Unique this story about the war of cultures that rocked the senior year in a prestigious school in the affluent village of Brooksville Brooksville High already had enough problems: the bullying, drinking, defiance of the school authorities by the richest students plus articles in the newspapers reporting accusations of Brooksville having no tolerance of other cultures. Then came the biggest problem of all: the arrival of two French exchange students who brought their own attitude of cultural superiority changing Brooksville into a Frenchville. The angry American students were powerless to fight back reined in by the principal, worried about the image of the host school. A student writer, Lanina, in love with Boyd, the poet/football hero, in love with arrogant Royce, keeps a chronicle naming it The French and Brooksville War. Years later, in August, Lanina and Boyd reminisce on the school track about their years at Brooksville High. Each tells a different experience. Lanina, an accomplished college writer now, is given a "Frosted" story to write because it deals with a young death and how a privileged American family turns it into a source of public good.

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