Images Resolved and Saved
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Images Resolved and Saved


作者: Norman Kattwinkel
出版年: 2007-12
页数: 208
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595443611







The life story of a physician who defines himself through his recollection of the people he's known. While recognizing the importance of self-fulfillment and hard work to achieve personal goals, he relates a moving tale of encouragement, teaching, and enlightenment provided by those who helped to guide him to where he is today. Through a series of essays and personality profiles he reminds us of the importance of role models and family values in living a rewarding and satisfying life, and his own coming to faith along the way. Now retired from a long career at a major medical center, the author has turned to writing as a second career, consistent with his plan to avoid "leaving without a trace," and becoming a better person and role model as his time shortens. The author hopes this slender volume will serve to inspire those in the afternoon years of their lives, those who recognize the debt they owe to others, and those who wrestle with the desire to leave a gift of recognition and appreciation. The author's spirituality lies at the heart of this effort. The road to faith is a life-long journey, full of doubt at times, but rewarding, satisfying, fulfilling and leaving room for hope.

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