The Fires of Europe
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The Fires of Europe


作者: Phyllis Harrison
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 468
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9780595443499







Gilles Montroville is like any other bored teenager: He's tired of school, doesn't want to go into the family business, and he's tired of people telling him what to do. Rebellion is not an option. Life in France in the Year of Our Lord 1640 is difficult under any circumstances but especially for those who have fallen from favor with the all-powerful church and the guardians of that power. The King and Cardinal Richelieu oversee a network of priests who set snares for the Huguenots, those not following closely enough to the official interpretation of Catholicism. Wealthy citizens are in danger, too, as they are often accused of heresy for the purpose of seizing their land to pay for the costly ongoing war. Young Gilles cares nothing about politics or religion, but a glimpse into another world, a world of complete freedom and exotic strangers, leaves him wanting more from his life. He attempts to live the life that his parents have planned out for him but a sudden turn of events launches him into a world far away from his protected childhood and provincial home, a world that he could never have even imagined.

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