Complete Game
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Complete Game


作者: Rob Crews
出版年: 2007-7
页数: 88
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9780595432363







Many coaches and athletes will say the game is 80% mental but never spend enough time developing this part of their game. Is it because we don't know how? Or do we love to ignore those things we aren't good at? In sports and competition, mind activity and physical activity occur at the same time. When it is time to perform, we cannot get caught up into whatever emotions are going to distract us from achieving our Full Genetic Potential. So if your mental game is not up to par, then your entire game is really incomplete. Can thoughts really be controlled? Can emotions really be managed? Thoughts cannot be controlled, and neither can our emotions. But the manifestations of our emotions can be controlled. I understand that this is not possible for everyone. That is why there are only a few athletes who are capable of attaining this ultimate level of focus. And as I think back to certain players that I have trained over the years, I realized that the one's with the better mental skills were more consistent. Does your emotions control you or do you control your emotions?

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