Harry's New Life
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Harry's New Life


作者: John O'Quinn
出版年: 2007-4
页数: 192
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595431199







"Harry's New Life" deals with the hard realities of life faced by Harry Becker and the difficult and sometimes painful choices he makes for the benefit of those he loves in a life that is not always fair or easy. He leaves a family that depends on him for the financial support that he is no longer able to provide, for an uncertain life that takes him into a world of working on the set of adult films and transporting stolen merchandise. Harry makes friends with a local girl, Shelia, and her brother, Dan, in the small mountain town of Birch Hollow. Shelia is a smart and hard working girl struggling to make a better life for herself and her brother. They work together on a plan designed by Davis, Shelia's boss, to transport stolen merchandise as Harry plans to travel until he finds a world where he will fit in and find peace within himself for the turmoil he caused his family. He is on that search when Shelia disappears and Harry returns to Birch Hollow to join a search to find and rescue Shelia.

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