Legends and Stories That Should be Movies
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Legends and Stories That Should be Movies


作者: John W Irwin
出版年: 2006-11
页数: 216
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595419845







A remarkable compilation of new plot lines in one anthology. Hollywood will be beating down the door. These fictional legends and short works offer the brain several new and exciting adventures. A petroglyph of the southwest has an encounter with a concert flutist in "Kokopelli Encounter." Shakespeare awakens in a day labor office in New Jersey, works the day with plumbers who convince him to rewrite Hamlet as a RAP sonnet. A crippled young boy, captive of the Sioux, fights to find a way in life within a warrior society. A dark court room drama covers the States decision to give fetal status, (read disposable) to all prisoners with 18 or more years sentence. Two separate stories of the fabled Dreamkeeper Tree in the Teton Mountains of Wyoming. One has the Shoshone legend NunumBi, the dwarfs who shoot invisible arrows. Terror needs satire and the new Mirror Schools are the answer to the Madrasses. Both teach hate. "Horror of the Angels" presents forty million Angels who show up on a Sunday Halloween...said to be the aborted of those they seek. "Upload" is a political/satire/comedy of through the looking glass. Alice falls into a huge computer monitor in the British Embassy and finds logic in D.C. "Cryogenics" offers unique situations to those who return...with emphasis on where they return from. And there's more.

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