Be Prepared.For War
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Be Prepared.For War


作者: Aaron Moreau
出版年: 2006-10
页数: 304
定价: $ 21.41
ISBN: 9780595410828







Mischa Kowalski is just another New York teenager and Boy Scout hoping to help the war effort in the midst of WWII. But when he joins a top secret Army project, he is cast out of his familiar Brooklyn childhood life and into the life of a guerrilla and spy in the middle of Nazi-occupied Europe. Now, this boy finds himself in a dangerous world where secrecy is the key to survival and any mistake can spell his death. While performing his duty, though, young Kowalski musters all of his wit and Boy Scout experience to last him through the fight as he faces many harrowing adventures from the Black Forest to Auschwitz, Warsaw to Berlin. In middle of fighting the Germans, Mischa Kowalski must also fight his own conscience as he struggles to cope with the horrors of war; as well as the cold nature of one SS officer whom he has vowed to kill in vengeance for his war crimes. "Prepared.For War"a harrowing story of one boy's fight with the enemy and his own inner self as he is cast into the jaws of war and must put his childhood behind-or face his own death.

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