The Last Prophet's Book
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The Last Prophet's Book


作者: Calvin Oliver Wilson
出版年: 2006-9
页数: 180
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595407101







A prophet dreams of two other planets and writes his visions of these two opposite planets. Although he sees many things of these other peoples, God sees more. God sees below into the hearts of men. The prophet finally sees his visions become flesh as the three worlds come together to battle upon Earth. And in the smoke of the already ongoing World War III, a victor is found. Who shall emerge? "So I arose and looked in the Crystal Sea and saw darkness. And the Lord said, "Unto you, man, do I now reveal the last book of history, showing you what has come from the beginning. In the beginning, I did create the Heaven and the Earth as My Word has been written, but among the heavens I created only two other inhabited worlds. Earth was not alone. One planet's name was Plenarius and the other Hamartia. I gave the inhabitants, My first man and woman on each planet, the chance to have a free will to do what they wanted. I wanted to see if they would follow Me willingly. In the first year, all three planets fell into sin.""

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