Mystery at Morania
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Mystery at Morania


作者: Judy Conlin
出版年: 2006-9
页数: 104
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595404407







Nancy Moran, a journalist and former hostess at the Pink Pussycat Club, becomes both a bride and a widow in the same week. On the last day of her honeymoon in Las Vegas, her husband Greg meets his friends for a drink. After hours of waiting for Greg to return, and going from angry to panicked, Nancy finally receives a call. Greg has been taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning-and is pronounced dead on arrival. When she arrives at Morania, her husband's family home, Nancy is surrounded by hostility, suspicion, and a web of secrets. Many members of the family have never heard of her. Then she's introduced to Greg's supposed fianc?e. As one disturbing event follows another, Nancy doesn't know who to trust. Unraveling what is going on at Morania and deciphering her feelings for the family's lawyer keep Nancy's nerves on edge. Even the neighbors seem to be up to something. As she gets acquainted with Greg's family and friends, more questions spring up than she can answer. But Nancy only wants the answer to one question: why doesn't Greg's family know anything about his life-or about her?

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