Star-Crossed Down Memory Lane
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Star-Crossed Down Memory Lane


作者: Peyton Mathie
出版年: 2006-7
页数: 200
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595404346







Meet Erin, Aubrey, and Adriana: fun-loving friends at different stages in relationships. Erin, an estimator in a male-dominated field and unwilling to let other's chart her course. She's alter bound and ecstatic; the only thing on her mind: how to convince her best friend, Adriana, to move with her to Memphis-Erin's hometown-after the upcoming Twin Cities wedding Aubrey: unattached and determined to keep it that way since her husband ran off and left her for his exotic associate just a few short years ago. Since then, she goes about her free time dating like it was going out of style; but is that just a faade for a broken heart? And finally, Adriana, just out of a lengthy relationship, and frightened to death of dating. Technically, she hasn't dated since 1987; but her well-meaning friends have plans to change that fact. What happens is beyond any of their imaginations; for when Adriana goes online, she finds an immediate connection with a Memphis software engineer that is about to send shivers down their spines. This is a riveting story full of friendship, humor, lies, and grief which is told through traditional storytelling, emails, instant messages, blogs, and diary excerpts.

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