A Day's Work
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A Day's Work


作者: Harald Waxenegger
出版年: 2006-7
页数: 168
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595401482







Are you frustrated with your life, tired of your job? Do you feel that all your dreams and hopes have eluded you? Well, we all felt like this at one point in our lives. The question is: Were we willing to do something about it? In "A Day's Work" Markus Wagner sets out to change his unhappy life and escape his much-hated job but returns heavily disillusioned. Seeking a job he ends up trying his luck at his old company. When he is turned down, a dormant, dark side of Markus comes to light; a side that he himself doesn't seem to have been fully aware of either. He runs amok, killing his boss and taking a young intern hostage. Michael Lehner, a former coworker of Markus, is unexpectedly and against his will drawn into the unpleasant course of incidents, as are many others like the janitor of the company building and a police detective. "A Day's Work" is the story of a series of desperate people whose paths in life cross by accident, and ironically fate is merciless on them and doesn't show any sign of reason or moral.

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