Lessons Learned On Borrowed Time
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Lessons Learned On Borrowed Time


作者: Jason O Etheredge
出版年: 2006-9
页数: 204
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595399833







"I believe that most people are so wrapped up into their own little worlds that they don't take the time to sit back and listen to other people. I've learned a lot about people by just listening. I'll listen to anyone most of the time, mostly, just so I can butt into the conversation to add a smart remark to those that I like joking around with or to add some insight to their predicament to those that I don't know. I don't consider it eaves dropping, if I put in my two cents. Some of the best and most insightful conversations that I've had in the past couple of years have been with complete strangers. Black, white, young, old, and every thing in between, it doesn't matter who you are there's always a story to be told and a lesson to be learned. Whether or not you've got time to hear it, most stories are worth listening to. For some reason, I get along better with people before I even know their names. I really believe that patience and an open ear can solve almost every social problem."

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