Scope of Lies
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Scope of Lies


作者: Peters E Laksbergs
出版年: 2006-8
页数: 196
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595398263







Pete is just a Wisconsin country boy who wants to do his part to protect his country. Making the choice to join the U.S. Air Force is easy. But as time goes by, that choice has unforeseen consequences. Pete proves to be an excellent soldier. He learns quickly and respects authority, and is a great shot with any weapon he picks up. These attributes do not go unnoticed. "The Agency" from Washington DC sends their best man to lure him to join a new level in protecting the United States of America. Pete agrees to become the "chosen one" and takes on additional training at an elite sniper school. He excels at his craft, but others don't embrace this intruder. Instead they make him learn a few more tricks of the trade. But once he's out of training, his job becomes simple: hit the target, confirm the kill, and get back home. Through the years, the missions continue, and so do the lies to his family. However, there is one agency lie in particular that Pete cannot ignore-that what he is doing is in the name of national security. But the next mission targets Pete and his family. This time, Pete has to make sure that this mission does "not" succeed.

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