Mind Power
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Mind Power


作者: Gini Graham Scott
出版年: 2006-5
页数: 200
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595392834







Apply the power of mental imaging to visualize your way to success in your work, business, and personal life. Use the techniques in this book to set goals and achieve them, increase your energy, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your relationships, and more. Here are just a few of the scores of mental imaging techniques to improve your chances for success: UL 4 Ways to Overcome Stress and Tension in the Workplace-and Get More Done in Less Time 2 Simple Techniques to Increase Energy and Overcome Fatigue-Tackle and Master Even the Toughest Jobs 5 Key Ways to Increase Your Confidence and Feelings of Self-Esteem to Achieve Greater Success More Quickly 3 Mental Imaging Techniques That Improve Your Memory and Your Ability to Concentrate An Easy Way to Create the Personality and Self-Image That Can Propel You to Success in Your Field Improve a Rocky or Unsatisfactory Relationship with Your Boss or Co-Workers-And Land a Promotion and Substantial Raise in the Process Increase Your Creativity to Come Up with More Productive Ideas Improve Your Ability to Brainstorm to Solve the Most Complex Problems Eliminate Your Bad Habits at Work and at Home And More.

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