Behind the Doors of Reality
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Behind the Doors of Reality


作者: Jessie Thompson
出版年: 2006-5
页数: 108
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595392360







LaChelle thought that by marrying her high school sweetheart she was surely doing what was good in the eyesight of God. She was content in knowing that she would now be raising their son under the covering of holy matrimony; although she was forbidden to tell anyone about the marriage. Her dreams of life, love and happiness for her family quickly diminished when her husband occupied her every waken moment with physical, mental and emotional torture. LaChelle fought back as much as she could while, out of confusion, began seeking an escape route only to discover that military policies, local laws, family and friends left her fighting alone. Unfortunately domestic violence has become a part of our daily lives in the world of relationships. Travel with this author as she enters the private lives of several military spouses as they struggle and sometimes die to become thee best wives that they can be. Find out the reasoning behind LaChelle's struggles and what rights her mother had in the effort to save the life of her only daughter.

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