The Moth's Kingdom
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The Moth's Kingdom


作者: Blessing Otobo
出版年: 2006-6
页数: 60
定价: $ 10.11
ISBN: 9780595383894







During her college years, author Blessing Otobo observed-to her amazement-that some Americans are oblivious to the plight of others as long as the problem does not affect them; even when it does, if the people involved are different in any way, it's unlikely that the problem will be addressed. The inspiration for "The Moth's Kingdom" came from a college anthropology class Otobo attended. She learned that, in Manchester, England, the dark gray peppered moths were eaten almost to extinction by birds because of their dark wings stood out against the lichen-covered bark that was their habitat. The silver white peppered moths were spared because the color of their wings hid them from their predators. When industrial pollution killed the lichen-covered bark in the forest, turning its natural white/sliver color to dark gray-thus making the silver moths visible-the dark moths became invisible to the birds and were spared. "The Moth's Kingdom" reflects the lofty pride of humans as well as their lack of interest in people of other cultures through the analogy of the peppered moths. Otobo shows us how to be thankful not only for the gifts of life, but for the gifts of others-no matter how diverse.

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