The Miracle Of Dowsing
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The Miracle Of Dowsing


作者: robert a swanson
出版年: 2005-11
页数: 52
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595378289







You can become a millionaire learn this simple method of dowsing that I will teach you. 12 years learning this mythical practice of dowsing in the Philippines. I was able to locate Saddam Hussein the 666 in 6 minutes. Millionaires learn this method and find one of the playing cards. Diving rods locate, treasure, ww2 landmines, lost people and water. Create this ability and read my book. Map dowsing explained in a simple way to locate one of the most wanted terrorist in history. Dows some of the 300,000 tons of gold bars still in the Philippines. Map Dowsing WWII landmines, car bombs, guns and treasure. Every year 15,000 to 20,000 landmine victims help save their lives. Learn to Dows in a field locate a reflection of an underground river and a new source of life water. Feed the millions that lack water even today. The key to success take communion a guiding light will guide you to financial freedom. Look to the heavens with the divine power of the dowsing rod find alien life in our solar system today. Learn the secret of how to find the black flag of a pirate's treasure.

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